2007年3月13日 星期二

Who are you ?

Hello ~
I am Vicky. I was born in Taichung in 1988. My parents are businessman, they owns an interior decoration company. And I have a younger brother who is an outstand student in industrial vocational senior high school. I get along well with my brother. We usually tell jokes, and share the happiness.

I am a kind, creative, changeable, and independent girl. Besides, I usually crazy about something I love such as traveling, shopping, eating and reading magazines. In my spare time, the department store is my favorite place to go. But I am not shopping there, instead; I just enjoy the air-condition, the fashionable atmosphere and the beautiful decoration. On the other hand, I also love reading books and magazines in the Eslite bookstore in SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI or the KINOKUNIYA bookstore in SOGO.

I realize there are many famous books imported by the polishers from different countries. I am also interesting in them and eager to read. However, I feel I am not good enough to understand the contents completely. It is important to me to work hard and learn more language.

In the class, I hope to study the skills of writing such as useful phrases or grammar. And we can use the words correctly so that people can understand clearly. Furthermore, we can also try writing or imitating some sentence by reading good articles. I feel read and think more will help my writing ability. Before that, teacher’s teaching, advices and revises are the most important thing. I believe they will do me good and I will do my best.

2 則留言:

Lynn 提到...

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. May you succeed!

miaka77543 提到...

Hello, I’m Asuka .I’m so happy to make friend with you in department of applied foreign languages. I wish that we could work hard together in languages.