2007年4月10日 星期二

My Missing Piece

Since I went to elementary school, I had met many classmates and friends until now.
Actually, each one of them has many advantages. But when I get along with them, I don’t like some shortcomings of them little by little. For instance, A is too stingy to spend money. B isn’t honest to somebody sometimes. C isn’t interest and humor. And D is wordy and has no point when talking. The clothes E wears doesn’t harmonize very well…etc. I am not picky, there are just my friends’ small defects. But I also feel uncomfortable with it.

So what I think is it seems difficult to make a friend who is nice, perfect and I would feel happy when we get together. Just like the Miss piece, she met many things but no one is her right.

However, after thinking deeply, maybe I should change myself. It might better when I change my attitude to treat my friends. Instead of hate the small shortcoming, I should choose to ignore it and notice the good things they have. I also think that I don’t have to manage with what I really don’t approve reluctantly.

On the other hand, I will draw lessons form their behavior to improve myself. Hope that I can have my Mr. Right in the future. And I wish that my friends will be better after correcting small defects.

2007年4月1日 星期日

Teachers just don’t understand

Mrs. Johnson is not only a teacher but also a mother whose daughter is so sick. She was so tired that she has to get up to take care of her daughter several times in the whole night. When Mr. Johnson finished work coming home in the morning, they discussed the situation about their daughter and decided to have an operation for her. Mr. Johnson said it will be ok but Mrs. Johnson was worried about every thing. In a little while, Mrs. Johnson still went to the school although she was late. She felt sad because she has to hand in the report when leave. And she was mad with her students were noisy and don’t do their homework. Ronnie, one of the students who didn’t do homework, said that there were many troubles in his house. Mrs. Johnson thought it is the excuse so she asked Ronnie to see vice-principal and learned a lesson. When he meets his friend Frank in the hall Ronnie said “I don’t know what happen to Mrs. Johnson. All I did was not having my homework and she flipped. These teachers sure don’t understand.”

Nowadays, many women have two statuses, one is mother and the other is her career. Compare with housewife, they have more work and responsibility to do. Career woman came back to home when finish working, they have to cook for family, do the house work and take care the children. Instead of doing these works, all they want doing is might take the rest or doing some entertainments. Without the way to deal with the stress, it is possible to hurt their body and affect their mood or temper.

In the story, the part I have a stirring of emotion is Mrs. Johnson started to cry. She was tired and depressed. She was worried about her daughter, her husband’s job and the relationship between them. In fact I think that my mother is also concern for the business and her children like Mrs. Johnson. My mother ever cried in the midnight but didn’t tell us about the bitters of live. But I know that and try to do some thing to assist her work. Besides, I hope that my mother can relaxed herself and to be optimize. She will have more happiness.

The greatest invention

I think the tissue paper is the greatest invent ton in my mind.
First, it is important when I was sick. It is also soft than paper that won’t hurt my skin.
Second, we can use it to clean the mouth after eating.
Third, can you image that there is not tissue paper in the toilet when you go into?
We can clean many things by tissue paper. It’s convenience to depurate the soil.
It plays an important role in my life. How can I quite it.

Summery of "Amelia Bedelia"

“Amelia Bedelia”, written by Peggy Parish, is a funny story that described the comical mistake of Amelia Bedelia. She went to the Rogers’ house and does some works. Mr. Roger said that she should do what the list told her. But Amelia Bedelia misunderstood the meaning of the verb. She “changed” the towels, “drew” the drapes, “measured” two cup of rice, and “dressed” the chicken.” When Mr. and Mrs. Roger came back were so shocked and angry. They wanted to fire Amelia Bedelia because of her errors. But when they ate the lemon- meringue pie made by Amelia Bedelia, they became happy and decide that she can still stay to work in the future.
My favorite part in the story is that Amelia Bedelia “dressed” the chicken. She has a lot imagination about the work she did. The dressed chicken is funny but cute.
I love Amelia Bedelia’s imagination and she has simplicity. Although it is not a short-coming, we should notice that according to the occasion. When we work on serious works, it is important to keep our good quality attitude.