2007年4月1日 星期日

Summery of "Amelia Bedelia"

“Amelia Bedelia”, written by Peggy Parish, is a funny story that described the comical mistake of Amelia Bedelia. She went to the Rogers’ house and does some works. Mr. Roger said that she should do what the list told her. But Amelia Bedelia misunderstood the meaning of the verb. She “changed” the towels, “drew” the drapes, “measured” two cup of rice, and “dressed” the chicken.” When Mr. and Mrs. Roger came back were so shocked and angry. They wanted to fire Amelia Bedelia because of her errors. But when they ate the lemon- meringue pie made by Amelia Bedelia, they became happy and decide that she can still stay to work in the future.
My favorite part in the story is that Amelia Bedelia “dressed” the chicken. She has a lot imagination about the work she did. The dressed chicken is funny but cute.
I love Amelia Bedelia’s imagination and she has simplicity. Although it is not a short-coming, we should notice that according to the occasion. When we work on serious works, it is important to keep our good quality attitude.
