2007年4月10日 星期二

My Missing Piece

Since I went to elementary school, I had met many classmates and friends until now.
Actually, each one of them has many advantages. But when I get along with them, I don’t like some shortcomings of them little by little. For instance, A is too stingy to spend money. B isn’t honest to somebody sometimes. C isn’t interest and humor. And D is wordy and has no point when talking. The clothes E wears doesn’t harmonize very well…etc. I am not picky, there are just my friends’ small defects. But I also feel uncomfortable with it.

So what I think is it seems difficult to make a friend who is nice, perfect and I would feel happy when we get together. Just like the Miss piece, she met many things but no one is her right.

However, after thinking deeply, maybe I should change myself. It might better when I change my attitude to treat my friends. Instead of hate the small shortcoming, I should choose to ignore it and notice the good things they have. I also think that I don’t have to manage with what I really don’t approve reluctantly.

On the other hand, I will draw lessons form their behavior to improve myself. Hope that I can have my Mr. Right in the future. And I wish that my friends will be better after correcting small defects.

1 則留言:

Tracy 提到...

Hi, I am Tracy.
It's not easy to change our opinion to others. Sometimes I would say something bad words toward people. However, if we think that person's advantage all the time, maybe we would neglect the drawback they have.

You write a lot to support your opinion,but in the end, I am confused about the content. In the begining, you are talking about your friend, but in the last paragraph, you mention the "Mr. Right". "Mr. Right" would make me think you are looking for your truthe love. Also, you used "on the other hand" in the last paragraph, but I don't see "on one hand". I think those two phrase are connected. By the way, at the first paragraph,line 10, "I am not picky," maybe you can change it with"I am not an picky person." "I am not picky." means I am Jenny, not "picky". And at the third paragraph, line 3, should be "Instead of hating..."

The previous are my thinking about this article,if you think it's not ok. We can talk about it all the time.

Yurong Chiou (Tracy)